What if you had more control of the impact your insights have?

Insights-gathering is a core requirement of being an MSL, but many struggle with delivering them effectively

The MSL Insights Course will teach you a strategic approach to insights to:

✅Improve your skills to uncover the why 

✅Focus on gathering insights that move the needle

✅Take ownership of your impact

Yes, I want to improve my insights!

Insights Skills are Critical for MSLs in the Time of Layoffs and Increased Competition

Feel confident that you are DELIVERING VALUE to your company


A Strategic Insights Framework for MSLs

Take ownership of your insights & your impact

You will learn how to:

  • Focus on what is relevant to your company
  • Gather insights that are decision-grade & impact company decision-making
  • Ensure that your insights are being used

Don't Leave Your Impact to Chance

In the MSL Insights Course, you’ll learn how to maximize the impact of your insights. 


Insights Gathering is a Core MSL Competency

"It is expected that MSLs bring back actionable information. However, many fail to capture relevant data due to the nuanced nature of insights and a lack of integrated skills-based training. The MSL Insights Course is designed to address this training gap."

  • Rich Swank, PhD, Co-creator of the MSL Insights Course & Former Head of US Field Medical and Global Field Medical Excellence at Amgen

The MSL Insights Course

Video Poster Image

Are You Ready to Learn How to Approach Insights Strategically?

This 5-module course will teach you how to maximize the impact of your insights. Your team and cross-functional partners will benefit by an increase in the quality of your insights and contributions. You’ll learn how to overcome common insights challenges such as:

  • Being unclear on what an insight is or what makes it decision-grade
  • Not focusing on what is relevant 
  • Missing opportunities to engage more deeply & uncover the why

With this strategic framework for insights, you will be able to deliver best-in-class insights to your company, demonstrate ownership, and increase your value. 

What do MSLs say about the insights course?


From a New MSL:

"This course was incredibly helpful as a new MSL. Even after a full year as a MSL, it helped me see the full picture versus the very small portion we see as MSLs. This course empowered me to ask more questions and take action regarding insights. I would highly recommend it!"

From an Aspiring MSL:

"I did start and complete module 1 of the course yesterday. First thoughts: as someone who has deeply studied e-learning, pedagogy, and instructional design, I am extremely impressed with both the materials and what you both verbally state. I certainly appreciate how it was designed to minimize our cognitive load and ease our ability to authentically and deeply learn the information. One, knowing the broad strokes by how often certain things were repeated and two, I really love it when terms are clearly defined with words and examples. So I am pleased currently and feel like I have a good working start to understanding more about insights (and am excited to get my first MSL position where I can bring value to the team by generating insights, which is something I think I would be really good at when given the chance)! Looking forward to module 2!"

How Is This Course Different From Your Company's Insights Training?


Many company insights trainings only focus on the system/process. 

The MSL Insights Course teaches you how to THINK about insights STRATEGICALLY and empower you to take ownership. 

MSL Insights Course

By The End of This Course, You'll Have Mastered:

What Is and Isn't An Insight


So you can focus on what will be impactful for your company

How To Gather Insights Your Company Cares About


And shape the Medical Strategy

What Best-In-Class Insights Look Like


How to gather insights that are decision-grade

How To Ensure Your Insights Can Be Analyzed


So that they can be used to synthesize decision-grade insights

The Process of Sharing Insights Internally


To better understand the needs of stakeholders and increase your impact. 


Empowering MSLs is the Missing Piece 


With over 20+ years of combined experience building and optimizing insights cycles, we noticed a missing piece was MSLs realizing they can help control the impact of their insights.  With a strategic approach, like the one we designed in the MSL Insights Course, insights gathering improves and the MSL's impact sky rockets. 

Having best-in-class insights skills is critical for MSLs in the time of layoffs and increased competition. The MSL insights course will help separate you from the pack. 

What's Included In The MSL Insights Course


Get clarity on what is and isn't an MSL insight

The Definition of an Insight

Many MSLs don't understand the definition in an insight. In this module, you will learn:

  • The core components of an insights definition 
  • The difference between data, information, opinion, and insights
  • Real-world examples of insights that shaped strategy

You’ll finish this module with a complete picture of the definition of an insight to prepare you for how to approach the insights cycle.

Gather MSL insights that leadership cares about

Medical Strategy

Understanding the Medical Stratey and how it is driven by insights is a core skill that many MSLs are missing. Once you understand the definition of insight, you'll be ready to learn how insights are driven by and contribute to strategy. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • What is a Medical Strategy 
  • How Medical Strategy drives insights generation
  • How to use it to prioritize actions and tactics

You’ll finish this module knowing how to better understand your company's Medical Strategy. If your company doesn't have a Medical Strategy, don't worry. We will cover that too. 

Learn how to gather decision-grade MSL insights

Gathering Insights

This is the part of the insights cycle where MSLs have the most responsibility and impact. This module outlines the secret sauce of great insights gathering and how to make your efforts count. In this monster module, you’ll learn:

  • Factors that impact you insights gathering approach
  • The importance of uncovering the why
  • How to go beyond standard HCP interactions to gather patient-centric insights
  • The 4 parts of best-in-class insights gathering

You’ll finish this module knowing exactly how to approach insights gathering in your territory strategically.

Understand how you impact insights generation

Analyzing Insights

Once insights are captured, they are used to generate decision-grade insights. Understanding your impact on this stage is a missed opportunity by MSLs. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Typical ways insights are analyzed to generate decision-grade insights
  • Why it's important for MSLs to understand this stage
  • What is needed to write good free-text insights & why

You’ll finish this module with a good understanding of how decision-grade insights are generated and what this means for MSLs. 

Learn how insights are shared to increase impact

Sharing Insights

After decision-grade insights are generated, they are shared with relevant cross-functional partners to drive decision-making. Understanding this process helps MSLs gather better insights. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How decision-grade insights are shared & to whom
  • Why best-in-class insights help the reputation of Medical Affairs

You’ll finish this module with a better appreciation of how insights are used to drive decision-making and how to increase impact by focusing on stakeholder needs. 

There's more... 5 bonus modules are included

  • Bonus Module 1: Communicating Up
  • Bonus Module 2: Life Cycle Management Best Practices
  • Bonus Module 3: Quantity vs Quality
  • Bonus Module 4: Avoiding the Insights Black Hole
  • Bonus Module 5: Lost Insights Opportunties 

MSL Insights Course

MSL Pricing


Pricing for MSLs Investing In Their Professional Development & Career Advancement

You will gain confidence around:

  • What is an insight
  • What your company is looking for
  • The skills to gather great insights

Enterprise Pricing


For Companies Enrolling a Single Member of Their Team or MSLs Being Reimbursed by Their Company

Team discount pricing available. Contact us at [email protected]

  • MSLs receive complete access to the course
  • Team training and coaching options available

MSL Insights Course + Coaching

Accelerate your insights skills development by adding on coaching

Course + 1-on-1 Coaching


For individual MSLs wanting to invest in their insights skills

Get the benefits of the course plus:

  • Personalized coaching tailored to your individual needs, goals, and challenges
  • Customized action plans to hold you accountable 
  • Targeted to your specific needs & challenges

MSL Insights Excellence Program


For MSL teams looking for a better way to develop insights skills

Unique program combining online learning & small group coaching:

  • Full access to the MSL Insights Course
  • Coaching to address specific focus areas & maximize potential

MSL Insights Course FAQs

Want to Gather Better Insights?

Download the free content-packed eBook on how to avoid common insights gathering pitfalls