Overcome Pitfalls in MSL Insights Gathering

MSLs are expected to gather great insights, but insights are tricky. This eBook provides MSLs with practical advice to overcome common insights pitfalls such as:

âś…Understanding what is & isn't an insight

âś…How to focus on quality, not quantity

âś…Plus 3 additional challenges


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What MSLs are Saying About the eBook:

"I really appreciate that this e-book emphasizes the importance of understanding the 'why' behind insights. Often, Medical Science Liaisons make the mistake of using insight gathering as meeting notes, without considering the 'so what?' factor. The tip to prioritize quality over quantity is also very useful. Medical Affairs leaders already have a difficult time reviewing all the insights from their team, so simplifying and making them actionable is crucial. If your cross-functional partners cannot execute on an insight, it's best to save it for another time. I highly recommend regularly training your team on medical insights best practices to ensure they keep these principles top of mind."

-Senior MSL